Tuesday, January 11, 2011

For Bukowski, Waits and Bogey

on these here streets
once walked
once stumbled drunk
those whom i now turn to
on these here streets

in tousled bed sheets
they wrote of what they believed in
of what did not believe in them
and i believe in what was left as i hide
in tousled bed sheets

black and white density
spoken in deep tone and true
repeated so oft it is now purest lore
and i whisper them to myself in this
black and white density

the blues from back east
faded to the music of my now
which tastes stronger because of shared proximity
however still haunts and hangs the smell of
the blues from back east

in this here city of sun
that shone firm upon 
rendering many golden through the ages
yet still lonely dawn is so damn cold
in this here city of sun