Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Got A Cough

Once again, i've taken a slight extended break from posting. There's the practical hurdle of being free of direct computer access, but this would be only a cheap excuse. No, there's a contributing-factor that is playing a far more dominant part in the explanation of my absence from this page. I'm flat. It's not writers-bloc, i have a multitude of subject matters to cover, songs to quote, grumpiness to expel and witticisms aplenty to sprinkle around. It's a general malaise that has descended upon me. Not just me, but, seemingly, most of the city around me.
The thing about big cities is that they are built for commerce. Though organically grown, this great city seems to have evolved into purpose built Commerce Super-dome, catering wholly for those both participating and spectating. However, to take the sporting analogy just a bit further, there must always come a half-time; a time-out; a break from the vigors of a Full Court Press, to take pause to reflect and recharge. what better time for such a break than summer. So, these New York Warriors, down their bats and balls and head for the beaches and the air-conditioned summer houses and the city is empty.
Um, not quite......

SOME head out and away but most, and that's an overwhelming majority, stay put. Right here. Still in the game. Wanting, nay Craving, to get the fuck outta here. You can see in their faces as they lift another cup of shitty coffee up to it, you can hear in the voices on the subway cars and you can sure feel it in the quality of general positive output. They mope in and out of their days, talking about silly sporting events, draped in awful fashion and dream of oceans far away.

The reasons for remaining are vast and many and i (due to said malaise) couldn't really be bothered to get into excusing their static ways. Besides it's quite irrelevant to the point, which is: it's contagious! This apathy - that seems to rest heavy right where the eyelid meets the eyebrow leaving a black and dense fog so vivid that i can physically feel it - is transferable from carrier to infected.

A few months back, it was the Swine Flu that the media outlets felt prime for a bit of hysteria whip up and everyone ran for cover. Governments gave the impression of action (which in the world of politics is tantamount to actual action) and this health threat, that really wasn't a threat, subsided. Well this pandemic now sweeping those around me, that of AMS (Acute Malaise Syndrome) is so much worse and so much more real. Sure, like the Flu, it is somewhat seasonal and will pass with the sunshine days and the return, en mass, to the grind, but it's here right now and it's crippling me.

I can't blog for God's sake!!

Oh, the horror! The horror!

Please, Mayor Bloomberg, bust out the stockpile of antidote. I'm sure there's something in pill form that cures AMS!

Actually, not to sound like Ali G, but i know this guy that might be able to help out with such a pill.......

"I have had my fun, if I never get well no more. Whoa, my health is fadin', Oh yeah, I'm goin' down slow"

Howlin' Wolf, 'Goin' Down Slow'